Topic: Time Travel of Men and Objects——Material (Familial) History Writing in Dung Kai-cheung’s 董啟章 Tian gong kai wu, xu xu ru sheng 天工開物‧栩栩如真
Speaker: Chau Man-Lut 鄒文律 (PhD candidate, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Date: March 9, 2012 (Friday)
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of Education (B4-LP-01)
Works and Creations (Tian gong kai wu, xu xu ru sheng 天工開物‧栩栩如真) is a part of Dung’s Trilogy of Natural History自然史三部曲, in which he explores themes such as the urban city and history using a unique style that sets his writings apart from his contemporaneous writers.