
Reading Club for Hong Kong Literature

12th Reading Club For HK Literature: A Past Hong Kong prose-writing experiment


Topic: A Past Hong Kong prose-writing experiment 
Speaker: Dr Tu Chia-chi 杜家祁 (Part time lecturer, Gender Studies Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University; Department of Liberal Arts Studies, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)
Moderator: Dr Chan Chi Tak 陳智德 (Assistant Professor, Department of Literary Studies and Culture, Hong Kong Institute of Education)
Date: December 11, 2012 (Tuesday)
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of Education (B4-LP-03)
Dr Tu gave a brief introduction of A Collection of Prose Writings of Hong Kong Post-Youth香港後青年散文集合, a book she co-edited with Ling Dun 凌鈍 and Fan Sin Piu 樊善標.

11th Reading Club For HK Literature: Poetry Recitation and Recitation Poems——On He Da 何達


Topic: Poetry Recitation and Recitation Poems——On He Da 何達
Speaker: Professor Mei Chia-ling 梅家玲 (Professor, Chinese Department, National Taiwan University)
Moderator: Dr Chan Chi Tak 陳智德 (Assistant Professor, Department of Literary Studies and Culture, Hong Kong Institute of Education)
Date: May 17, 2012 (Thursday)
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of Education (B4-LP-01)
He Da 何達(1915-1994)studied at the National Southwestern Associated University and Tsinghua University during the war period. He was a strong supporter of the Poetry Recitation Campaign. He migrated to Hong Kong after the war and went on writing poetry. His works include Luomei Shiyu Poetry Anthology 洛美十友詩集, Collected Poems of He Da 何達詩選, Song of a Long Distance Runner長跑者之歌 etc.

10th Reading Club For HK Literature: Time Travel of Men and Objects——Material (Familial) History Writing in Dung Kai-cheung’s 董啟章 Tian gong kai wu, xu xu ru sheng 天工開物‧栩栩如真


Topic: Time Travel of Men and Objects——Material (Familial) History Writing in Dung Kai-cheung’s 董啟章 Tian gong kai wu, xu xu ru sheng 天工開物‧栩栩如真
Speaker: Chau Man-Lut 鄒文律  (PhD candidate, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Date: March 9, 2012 (Friday)
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of Education (B4-LP-01)

Works and Creations (Tian gong kai wu, xu xu ru sheng 天工開物‧栩栩如真) is a part of Dung’s Trilogy of Natural History自然史三部曲, in which he explores themes such as the urban city and history using a unique style that sets his writings apart from his contemporaneous writers.

9th Reading Club For HK Literature: Hong Kong Literature and Film Adaptation


Topic: Hong Kong Literature and Film Adaptation
Speaker: Dr. Mary Wong Shuk-han 黃淑嫻 (Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese, Lingnan University)
Moderator: Dr Chan Chi Tak 陳智德 (Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese, Hong Kong Institute of Education)
Date: February 7, 2012 (Tuesday)
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of Education (D2-LP-03)
 Dr. Mary Wong Shuk-han is co-editor of Hong Kong Literature and Film 香港文學與電影, a book that outlines the history of Hong Kong cultural development through focusing on literature and film adaptation.

8th Reading Club For HK Literature: Study and Translation of Hong Kong Literature in Korea——Under the Influence of Interactions between Chinese and Korean Literature


Topic: Study and Translation of Hong Kong Literature in Korea——Under the Influence of Interactions between Chinese and Korean Literature
Speaker: Professor Park Jae-woo 朴宰雨 (Professor, Chinese Department, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Moderator: Dr Au Chung To 區仲桃 (Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese,  Hong Kong Institute of Education)
Date: December 14, 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of Education (B3-LP-06)

7th Reading Club For HK Literature: Mass Media and Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature: A Study of Hong Kong Literary Journals


Topic: Mass Media and Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature: A Study of Hong Kong Literary Journals
Speaker: Ms Zheng Lei 鄭蕾 (PhD candidate, Chinese Department, Hong Kong Lingnan University)
Date: June 23, 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of Education (B4-LP-10)
Ms Zheng’s presentation was based on Cheng Guangwei’s 程光煒 Mass Media and Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 大眾媒介與中國現當代文學 (Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe 人民文學出版社, 2005).

6th Reading Club For HK Literature: Old Customs of Hong Kong Rural Areas


Topic: Old Customs of Hong Kong Rural Areas
Speaker: Dr Chin Wan Kan 陳雲 (Assistant professor, Department of Chinese, Lingnan University) 
Date: May 26, 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of Education (B3-LP-05)
Veteran writer Chin Wan Kan (Nom de plume: Chan Wan) talked about his essay collections: Unforgettable Hong Kong Food and Sex: Memories of Old Rural Customs 難忘香港食與色:城鄉風俗雜憶 and A Farmer’s Heart and an Artisan’s Will: Customs of Hong Kong Rural Areas in the Past 農心匠意:香港城鄉風俗憶舊 at this gathering.