
Workshop on Buddhist Literature and Language


Organized by

The Department of Chinese

The Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture

Workshop on

“The Study of Buddhist Literature and Language: Present and Future”

24 September 2011(Saturday)

9:00am – 5:00p.m.

Council Chamber, 4/F, Block A Administration Building

Hong Kong Institute of Education

Buddhist Literature

Prof. Lin Po Chien

Department of Chinese, Soochow University

Prof. Zhou Yu Kai

The College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University

Prof. Chen Yin Chi

Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University / Visiting Professor, Faculty of Langauges, HKIEd

Prof. Zhu Qing Zhi

Department of Chinese, HKIEd

Dr. Man Ying Ling

Department of Chinese, HKIEd

Buddhist Language

Prof. Duan Qing

Department of Southeast Asian Languages, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University

Prof. Wan Chin Chuan

Department of Chinese Literature, National Central University

Prof. Yau Zhi Hua

Department of Philosophy, CUHK

Prof. Wang Ji Hong

Beijing Foreign Studies University / HKIEd Post-Doctoral Researcher, HKIEd

Dr. Jiang Nan

Centre for Foreign Literature Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences