
Hong Kong Literary Culture Salon

29th Hong Kong Literary Culture Salon: Translating Early Hong Kong Literature


It is said that Hong Kong only has Central, but there is no centre. Early Hong Kong literature reflects the social, cultural, and political affairs of a colonial city that would later evolve into an international metropolis. We can get a glimpse of urban life, wartime or post-war melancholy from the works of different writers. “The sun is but a morning star,” writes Henry David Thoreau, closing Walden with a theme of resurrection: in nature, humans, and history. Join translators Audrey Heijns and Tin Kei Wong, along with Hong Kong literature scholar C. T. Au, as they discuss the symbolic potential of translating nonfiction essays from the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919–1949 and their significance for the collective and solitary writing of early Hong Kong literature.

Dr. Audrey Heijns (Part-time Lecturer, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Tin Kei Wong (Lecturer, The University of Adelaide)
Dr. C. T. Au (Assistant Professor, The Education University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Robert Tsaturyan (Postdoctoral researcher, The Education University of Hong Kong)

Date: September 30, 2024 (Monday)
Time: 19:30-21:00 (Hong Kong time)
Language: English
Format: Zoom
Inquiry: Ms. Wong (2948 7028/

28th Hong Kong Literary Culture Salon: Walking into the sea


Host: Dr. HUANG Kuan Hsiang (Visiting Scholar of Lingnan University)

Mr. Xiang Yang (PhD candidate of Hong Kong Baptist University)
Dr. CHAN Yenyi (Project Coordinator of ” One City One Book”, Literary researcher)

Date: 23-08-2024 (Monday)
Time: 19:30-21:00
Language: Mandarin
Format: Zoom
Inquiry: Ms. Tsang(2948 7329/

Please refer to the Chinese version.

24th Hong Kong Literary Culture Salon: Animal Writing in Prose


Dr. CHEUNG Yuen-Man (Writer who love animals)
Dr. CHAU Man Lut (Assistant Professor of The Education University of Hong Kong)

Date: 15-07-2023 (Friday)
Time: 19:00-21:00
Language: Cantonese
Form: ZOOM
Inquiry: Mr Lee (2948-6554 /

Please refer to the Chinese version.

23th Hong Kong Literary Culture Salon: Dream-walking in “Kuk Lum Estate”


Mr MAK Shu Kin, Sunny (Teaching Chinese language and creative writing in The Baptist University, Author of “囈長夜多“)
Dr. CHAU Man Lut (Assistant Professor of The Education University of Hong Kong)

Date: 28-12-2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 19:30-21:30
Language: Cantonese
Form: ZOOM
Inquiry: Mr Lee (2948-6554 /

Please refer to the Chinese version

22th Hong Kong Literary Culture Salon: Realism and technology in mystery novels


Mann Shin 文善 (Winner of the 3rd Soji Shimada Award)
Faker 冒業 (Hong Kong science fiction and mystery novelist, member of Mystery Writers of Taiwan (MWT) )
高重建 (Asian blockchain expert, founder of LikeCoin)
LO Chun Yu (Graduate from EdUHK, Member of 薪傳文社, Committed to Web 3 and community development)

Date: 27-11-2022
Time: 19:30-21:30
Language: Cantonese
Form: ZOOM
Inquiry: Mr Lee (2948-6554 /

Please refer to the Chinese version.

21th Hong Kong Literary Culture Salon: Hong Kong detective novel writing and reading culture


Host: Mr. KONG Hoi Pan, Karma (PhD student of The Australian National University)

Trevor Michael Morris (Visiting associate professor of the Department of Law at the Hong Kong University, Mystery Novels Writer)
Faker 冒業 (Hong Kong science fiction and mystery novelist, member of Mystery Writers of Taiwan (MWT) )
Dr. HO Ka Chun (Assistant professor of Hong Kong Shue Yan University)

Date: 19-08-2023 (Friday)
Time: 19:00-21:00
Language: Cantonese
Form: ZOOM
Inquiry: Mr Lee (2948-6554 /

Please refer to the Chinese version.